Dear Year 6 Parents,
As you know, the SATs tests start on Monday 13th May, with the last day of testing being Thursday 16th May.
There are no tests on Friday 17th May. We have worked closely with your children to prepare them and recognise that some pupils may feel a bit nervous going into testing week. We will all be there to fully support the children next week and allay any worries.
Some things that will help over the weekend and across next week: A good night sleep, with reduced screen time before bed Small amounts of revision balanced with time to switch off and relax doing something unrelated to studying e.g. reading a good book or playing outside A good breakfast, whether this is at breakfast club or at home.Being on time for school.
Please also send your child with a named water bottle filled with water each day. And finally, as we go into next week, we will all remember that these tests are only one measure of success.
They cannot measure our values, strength of character or the size of our hearts.
We are hugely proud of your children and know they will do their very best.
Enjoy the sunny (hopefully!) weekend.
If you have any concerns or questions, please speak to a member of staff..
Yours Sincerely
Mrs Z Thewlis