
Girls Football Development Programme

Masjid Al Falah in partnership with Walsall FC, Weetabix Wildcats and PACT have been able to offer this amazing opportunity for free girls football.

See poster for further details

Girls Football Development Programme

NO CLUBS ON - 15th to19th July

Dear Parents/Carers,

This is a reminder that there are no after school clubs running during the last week of term, 15th- 19th July. As it is the school fayre on Friday 12th July, there are no interventions or Friday club on this day

Birchfield Staffing for 2024-2025

Please find some of the key staffing arrangements at Birchfield for September. I would like to start by offering my warmest of congratulations to Mrs Hazeldine who will be the new Head of school from September.

Mr Aldred, Miss Simpson, Mrs Ahmed and Miss Fox will all be staying in role. Mrs Saboor will be here in September but taking Maternity leave from the end of that month. We say congratulations to Mrs Sperrin and Mr Mazhar who will be joining the school as Associate Assistant Headteachers. They will be a valued addition to the leadership team.

The end of the academic year will mean that we say goodbye to some of our teachers. Miss Rose (R), Miss Rock (Yr1), Miss Ilyas (Yr1), Miss Bakalou (Yr2), Miss Rose (Yr3) and Miss Begum (Yr5) and Mrs Ali have all been valued members of staff and we say a special thank you to all of them for their hard work and contributions to Birchfield.

We have new teachers joining us and I have included the class teacher arrangements for September in the table below. The teachers are looking forward to working with their new classes on our ‘Moving Up Day’ on 3rd July. I am sure that you and your child are excited about getting to know their teacher for next year and their new adventures in the academic year ahead.

Finally, as I approach the end of my time as Headteacher at Birchfield, I would like to extend my heartfelt thanks and best wishes to you all. It has been a privilege and a pleasure to serve Birchfield and I will be very sad to leave. I know that the school will continue to thrive and flourish and I look forward to hearing all about all of the future successes. I am sure there will be a great many.


Click here to view the staffing list.

Summer Fayre - 12th July 2024

Dear Parents/carers,

We will be holding out Summer Fayre on Friday 12th July 2024 from 1.30pm till 3.30pm.

We look forward to seeing you all there. Yours sincerely Birchfield Primary School

End of Term Date - Reminder

Dear Parents/Carers,

A reminder, the school will close on Friday 19th July 2024 at 12:15pm for all children this will be a half day.
The school will re-open for all children on 4th September 2024.

We wish you a wonderful and restful break and we look forward to seeing you all in the new academic year.

General Election - 04.07.2024

Dear Parents/Carers,

As you may be aware, the government have announced that there will be a general election on Thursday 4th of July 2024. As our school is used as a polling station, we will be closed to all pupils on this day. School will reopen for all pupils on Friday 5th July.

To support your children to learn at home, work will be provided for your child to complete. You will be able to access this via Microsoft teams on the 4th July. We are sharing this with you at the earliest date and apologise for any inconvenience that this may cause.

Upcoming: Eid Celebration

Eid Celebration for all ages Saturday 22 June 12pm-3pm

Venue: The Lighthouse Alma Way, B19 2LN

Lots of great activities on the day


Eid Celebration

Grammar Schools Test Information

Dear Year 5 Parents

I am writing to make you aware that registration is now open for parents of current Year 5 pupils who would like their child to sit the entrance test for a place at any of the grammar schools in Birmingham (entry to Year 7 in September 2025).

Registration can be made online by visiting the website below.

The closing date for registering is 4pm on 28th June 2024. The test will take place on 14th September 2024.

Yours Sincerely

Mrs Z Thewlis

School Lunches

Dear parents

We're thrilled to announce that starting June 3rd, 2024, Prince Albert Primary, Prince Albert High, Heathfield, Birchfield, Sutton Park, and Highfield school will be teaming up with Caterlink as our new catering provider.

Caterlink is the leading contract caterer in primary and secondary schools and colleges across the UK, providing fresh and healthy meals to over 1 million children and young adults every week in England and Northern Ireland. Caterlink were appointed after a robust tender process in collaboration with our staff and students and we are delighted to be welcoming them on board.

We're confident that this partnership will elevate the dining experience for our pupils and contribute to their overall well-being. We can't wait for the delicious and nutritious meals that Caterlink will bring to our school community. We have arranged an open event that will enable you to meet with Caterlink and ask questions.

This event will take place at Prince Albert High School on the 13th May, 15:15pm if you wish to attend.

Yours Sincerely
Mrs Z Thewlis

Contact Us

Birchfield Primary School
Trinity Rd
B6 6AJ

Phone: 0121 464 5661



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