
Year 5 Bikeability

This half term year 5 pupils of Birchfield have the opportunity to take part in Bikeability provided by The Active Wellbeing Society (TAWS). Bikeability is a cycle training program for all levels, from complete beginners who want to learn to ride, to more experienced cyclist who want cycle more often, on or off the road. TAWS delivers Bikeability sessions all year round in schools and local community settings. The program is completely free for both adults and children. If you would like to find out more information on local opportunities, please see the link below. Bikeability | Cycle training for everyone delivering better and safer training<> Bikeability is today's cycle training programme. It's about gaining practical skills and understanding how to cycle safely on today's roads.

Half Term Reminder

Dear Parents/Carers,

A gentle reminder..

On Friday 17th February 2023 school will close for one week due to the half term.

The school will re-open for all pupils on Monday 27th February 2023.

Kind regards,

Birchfield Primary School.


Safer Internet Day 2023




We've just signed up to the #SaferInternetDay supporters list! What are you doing for the day? Find out more by visiting

Birchfield Spring Sports Clubs

Please click the link below to see the club map for spring 2022.

Spring clubs


Non-Uniform Day - 19/01/23

Dear parents/careers

On the 19th january 2023, all children can come to school in non-uniform.

There is no charge.


Parents Parking

Dear parents

I have written to parents several times previously regarding parking and the use of the roads around school during drop off and collections. Unfortunately, we continue to have persistent inconsiderate and/or dangerous parking on the roads around school and this is concerning for other pedestrians and drivers as well as local residents. Irresponsible parking places children and adults in danger.

Recently you will have seen Traffic Enforcement Officers outside of the school. Enforcement officers are deployed by the council to ensure that parking restrictions are being adhered to and Penalty Charge Notices (PCNs) may be issued where this is not the case.

The following actions are inconsiderate and dangerous, presenting risks to our children:

  • Pulling into or blocking the entrance to a driveway- emergency vehicles and other traffic need access
  • Parking on yellow lines or zig-zags near to the school entrances
  • Parking on the pavements, across dropped kerbs or obstructing residents’ driveways
  • Stopping in the middle of the road to drop off a child, even for a few seconds

The Birchfield staff are outside every day to support the safe arrival and collection of our pupils on site. Please support us by demonstrating courtesy and consideration for local residents and for the safety and wellbeing of our pupils and families as they arrive and leave school.

Thank you.

Families Birmingham Nov/Dec 2022

Please click the link below to read the Families Birmingham magazine.

Families Birmingham Nov/Dec 2022

How to know when your child is a competent swimmer

Water competency is often misinterpreted by parents and guardians as their child being able to jump into a swimming pool and being able to put their face in the water. The reality is very different.

Learning to jump into a swimming pool is an important safety skill that children often achieve in the early stages of their learning to swim journey, as it is one of the outcomes in our Pre-School Framework

Click here for the full article

Contact Us

Birchfield Primary School
Trinity Rd
B6 6AJ

Phone: 0121 464 5661



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