
Masjid Al Faalah 

Masjid Al Faalah 

Head of School Celebration On 24th October 2024, staff, parents and the community were invited to a Headteacher Celebration event at Masjid Al Faalah. It was an event to welcome Mrs Hazeldine to the community. It was fantastic to see a number of staff and parents there to meet the new Head of School and to ask her questions. The evening started with introductions, followed by questions. Guests were then very fortunate to be taken on a tour of the beautiful building and learn about its history. The evening ended with an opportunity to chat to other guests over snacks and tea. Mrs Hazeldine would like to thank Mudassar Farooq, Adil and Shabnam for arranging this celebration.

Mosque 1 Amanda Hazeldine



On Wednesday 23rd September, parents were invited to a coffee morning at Birchfield Primary. Mrs Ahmed and Mr Farooq invited in different organisations to the event so that parents could find out about local services and opportunities in the community.

Organisations present at the coffee morning were:

Saathi House

Masjid Al Falah

Handsworth Association of Schools


Youth Pathways

Family Hubs

It was wonderful to welcome these services to our event and to see so many of our parents learning about what our community has to offer and enjoying the company of other parents. We hope to welcome even more people to our next coffee morning.

CM 1 Amanda Hazeldine

CM 2 Amanda Hazeldine

CM 3 Amanda Hazeldine

CM 4 Amanda Hazeldine

Diwali Celebration

We are excited to inform you that we will be celebrating Diwali at school on Thursday 24th October with a special day of fun and festivities!

This celebration will provide a wonderful opportunity for the children to learn about the cultural significance of Diwali and will take part in a class activity.

What to Expect:
• Dress Code (Free Non-Uniform day): We encourage all children to come to school dressed in sparkly, festive clothes to add to the joyful atmosphere of the day. The brighter and more colourful, the better!
• A Special lunch menu will be available from the kitchen (see reverse) if you wish for your child/ren take part in this special lunch, please ensure you email the school and top up your parent pay account with £2.45. If your child is entitled to Free School Meals, you do not need to do anything.


See full letter below:

Click Here

Reason 4 Reasoning

Reason 4 Reasoning : A Community Led Project where black men can socialise, come together, play games and more once per week. Informal discussions, health and wellbeing , life issues . Starts on the 24th October and every fortnight after. 4pm-10pm. Further details found in the poster attached.

Reasons Reasoning

Careers Event

Careers Event

Girls Football Development Programme

Masjid Al Falah in partnership with Walsall FC, Weetabix Wildcats and PACT have been able to offer this amazing opportunity for free girls football.

See poster for further details

Girls Football Development Programme

NO CLUBS ON - 15th to19th July

Dear Parents/Carers,

This is a reminder that there are no after school clubs running during the last week of term, 15th- 19th July. As it is the school fayre on Friday 12th July, there are no interventions or Friday club on this day

Birchfield Staffing for 2024-2025

Please find some of the key staffing arrangements at Birchfield for September. I would like to start by offering my warmest of congratulations to Mrs Hazeldine who will be the new Head of school from September.

Mr Aldred, Miss Simpson, Mrs Ahmed and Miss Fox will all be staying in role. Mrs Saboor will be here in September but taking Maternity leave from the end of that month. We say congratulations to Mrs Sperrin and Mr Mazhar who will be joining the school as Associate Assistant Headteachers. They will be a valued addition to the leadership team.

The end of the academic year will mean that we say goodbye to some of our teachers. Miss Rose (R), Miss Rock (Yr1), Miss Ilyas (Yr1), Miss Bakalou (Yr2), Miss Rose (Yr3) and Miss Begum (Yr5) and Mrs Ali have all been valued members of staff and we say a special thank you to all of them for their hard work and contributions to Birchfield.

We have new teachers joining us and I have included the class teacher arrangements for September in the table below. The teachers are looking forward to working with their new classes on our ‘Moving Up Day’ on 3rd July. I am sure that you and your child are excited about getting to know their teacher for next year and their new adventures in the academic year ahead.

Finally, as I approach the end of my time as Headteacher at Birchfield, I would like to extend my heartfelt thanks and best wishes to you all. It has been a privilege and a pleasure to serve Birchfield and I will be very sad to leave. I know that the school will continue to thrive and flourish and I look forward to hearing all about all of the future successes. I am sure there will be a great many.


Click here to view the staffing list.

Summer Fayre - 12th July 2024

Dear Parents/carers,

We will be holding out Summer Fayre on Friday 12th July 2024 from 1.30pm till 3.30pm.

We look forward to seeing you all there. Yours sincerely Birchfield Primary School

Contact Us

Birchfield Primary School
Trinity Rd
B6 6AJ

Phone: 0121 464 5661



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